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Sl. No. Language/Application Brief intro of Projects
1. Html Created a webpage, that has webpages conncted to it regarding Scientists
2. Flash Proffesional 8 Created a gameplay using stickman;included Buttons
3. C,C++ Basic programs on ACcepting and presenting data
4. Python Data Visualisation


One of the First Few programming languages to be learnt.
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My Project

Flash Professional 8

An application dedicated for animators to do animation.In this application have vreated a stickman gameplay.The gameplay included buttons.I've added Background Music.This was made layerwise,(approximately 4-5 layers)
Unfortunately the file is not of attachable format

C, C++

I've done all the basic stuff that includes,accepting data from users,processing the data,and presenting Back the processed data.


I've accepted data from users and and presented data in form of graphs and plots.